
Our Story

Success and achieving what people perceive as impossible is always mouth-watering.

In 2016, Leicester City FC won its first ever English Premier League title, leapfrogging the likes of Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool in the process.

In the same year, a group of multi-national seasoned professionals joined the city’s main University (University of Leicester) to study their Master’s degrees in Media, Advertising, Marketing and other respective fields to further advance their careers.

Driven by the unprecedented success of Leicester City FC, this group of successful professionals decided to collaborate and establish their own business after years of professional experiences and practice-driven academic studies.

From UK, Bahrain, Italy and India, these highly-committed achievers never knew each other before their endeavor in Leicester.

However, what gathers these achievers is a sense of care, eye for details, drive for results, and challenging the status-quo mindset.

Advertisign agency team choosing model for campaign.

Our Approach

Perhaps Consultancy was established by the aforementioned group of achievers based on the following values:

1- Care.

2- Results-driven.

3- Eye for details.

4- Challenging the status quo.

Our name “Perhaps” is derived from our profound care and empathy towards our clients; as we did not give our brand an affirmative name like other consultancies, on the contrary, we are thinking from our clients’ perspective as they tend to be hesitant and unsure when they seek consultation.

@Perhaps we extend our firm hands to lift our clients from the diaspora of hesitation and probabilities into the greener pastures of success and efficiency.

This is inferred by a data-driven consultation which we gather through a comprehensive market, consumer, and audience research to provide insights which will enlighten our clients’ path (while other companies tend to give “vague” promises).

Lastly, we are the kind of company which is always asking for more in for the sake our clients by challenging the status-quo to give them a competitive advantage over their competitors, and make them in a standout position in their prospective clients and audience mind in today’s over-communicated society.


Meet the Team

Here is our team of well-seasoned professionals who mixed their top-notch education with thorough awareness and experience in their respective fields.

Mubarak Alkubaisi (Alkebaisi)

Founder & Managing Director.

Mubarak has been a committed individual, with a mix-background in the media, marketing and academic sectors.

He worked for many newspapers as a journalist and editor, media production companies, being a YouTuber, screenwriter, marketing specialist, and academic teacher for many government organizations and private sector companies in the GCC region.

His main up-to-date accomplishment is that he was a script-consultant for "Al-Imam" TV series produced by Alburaq/Almaha Art production company (Kuwait), in addition to his ground-breaking market research about Netflix and the Arabian Gulf audience,

He is a holder of Master's degree from University of Leicester, UK.

Archith Narisimahan

Chief Brand & Concept Consultant (CBCC).

Archith is a talented individual, studying and working in countries like: India, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

His main expertise is in generating concepts for brands, promotional campaigns, TV/film & advertising scripts.

He worked for marketing & advertising agencies in India, Australia, and UK. In addition to working as producer, and script writer/developer for a major production house in Bollywood, India.

He is a holder of Master's degree from University of Leicester, UK.

Luigi Bonfoglio

CMC (Chief Marketing Consultant).

Luigi adds a lovely Italian flavour to our team, as he is a marketing specialist, especially in the field of food & beverages.

Luigi worked as marketing specialist for many food & beverages chains in the United Kingdom and Italy, and aided his professional profile by getting a Master's degree from University of Leicester, UK.

He is a strategist and have a great exposure of the new global market trends.

Mohammad Alqassimi

Chief Script Consultant (CSC).

Mohammed is an established and award-winning filmmaker in the GCC region.

He has worked on many scripts for many media companies in the region, in addition of being one of the top film-bloggers in the GCC region.

Mohammad authored a book which includes critical film analysis and reviews.

He is a Bachelor's degree holder from University of Bahrain in Media and Mass Communication (TV and radio).